Good Deed Cup
January 31st 2019
The Springbank Peewee AA Rockies agreed that the team should perform a "good deed" in the community that would bring value to the team and community and inspire others to participate or support the "good deed".
The Rockies took their inspiration for their superhero Nathan O'Brien and The Nathan O'Brien Children's Foundation support for the Calgary Food Bank. Nathan was a member of the Springbank Rockies Timbit Senators at the time of his tragic death in 2014. This season the AA team proudly wears the Nathan O'Brien Children's Foundation logo on their helmets and pre-game warm-up gear.
The team worked with the Foundation and O'Brien family to keep Nathan's spirit alive, make a significant impact in the community, inspire others, and represent Springbank Minor Hockey, the Foundation, and the Calgary Food Bank as pround ambassadors.
The team set a goal to make a significant contribution to the Calgary Food bank in support of the The Nathan O'Brien Children's Foundation. The goal - to fill a 40-foot transport trailer with non-perishable food. In order to achieve this goal, Purolator graciously provided a 53-foot transport trailer - 13 feet more than planned. The 53-foot challenege was eagerly embraced. Here is what was accomplished in a week:
- 1,200 volunteer hours
- More than 5,000 bags distributed througout the Springbank community and collected several days later
- Total amount of food collected: 53 feet = 16,752 Ibs (approx. value $43,555)
- Total cash donated: $4,920 (or approx. 9,500 obs of food)
- Total equivalent of approx. 16,200 meals to Calgarians
The team recognized the significance of its undertaking and realized the opportunity (and need) to inspire the entirety of Springbank's Peewee division to help fill the trailer. Proudly, EVERY Springbank Peewee team - House leaque through AA - participated in this year's Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup competition.
The enthusiasm and commitment from the Peewee division was truly amazing, producing results that were equally spectacular. The 53-foot trailer was filled from front to back with almost 17,000 pounds of food and nearly $5,000 was collected - all in one week.
In addition, the Peewee AA team gained an appreciation of their Good Deed's significance when they invested more than three hours at the Calgary Food Bank and witnessed firsthand the need in Calgary. The team and parents received a tour, sorted food into hampers, and learned there are neighbours in the community who rely on the Calgary Food Bank for groceries - something that is generally taken for granted.
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